So things have been repetitive lately but we have had enough happen lately to make an interesting post.
Today is an absolutely beautiful day. High of 75 blue skies and puffy little clouds. If I was to make a stab at it, I would say it will rain in the evening. We decided today to see Valeriya first and then Bogdan. One of the big reasons is I am tired of driving all hot a sweaty from
Bogdans to valeriya's. I feel I am in a constant state of feeling dirty, hot and wet from hard play, humidity and sweat. We stop at a market on the way out to pickup balloons and superglue for jeremiah's glasses and walk into the most beautiful clean organized store we have been in yet. It's hard to explain the feeling of order and logic in the rows of supplies but it felt like heaven to me. I felt like I was in the Whole Foods of Donesk. An added bonus, not once did any security guards follow me through the store! Then we hit the checkout and I ended in pergatory not quite hell but not heaven, as we waited and waited for the typical slow as molasses cashier to ring out the ever increasing line. The cashiers all have a chair to sit on as they ring up the customers( I think they are way to comfortable to care). Also, when making a purchase we must either bring our bags or pay for theirs. We pay for them and use them as trash bags later on. Oh well nothings ever perfect and I still love that store and it's half the walk we have been doing. We still haven't found a good wine that doesn't taste like it could also be used as a bathroom cleaner but we keep trying. I have always tried to not buy wine based on packaging but to know the grape and region of origin but packaging is all I got here and so it's a little like Russian roolet.
So if things progress as they have been, it looks like we will be moving again. Personally, I am looking forward to it. Donetsk is not cheap and the taxi driving is eating up the money quickly.(an expense we didn't count on). It costs more each day for our taxi than to stay in our expensive apartment) The reason for the move, is that Bogdan is heading off to summer camp this Friday. The camp is 60km away from Valeriya and we are hoping there is a train or bus that we can take to see her. We will be moving close to the camp as we have been told Bogdan might be able to spend whole days with us. We shall see. Monique is feeling more at peace today because we finally got a big to-do item done. We bought the kids their clothes. We have done a lot of window shopping but either the clothes were over priced or we just were not both happy with the outfit. Yesterday, we decided that we would buy two outfits we both agreed upon but first we would stop at a second hand store (how Monique even new it was a second store I will never know) after our morning coffee. We hit the jackpot and for the price of two new outfits we scored jeans, shorts, swimsuits,shirts,dresses and light weight jackets all brand new looking or near brand new. Our new kids are going to look sharp! The biggest challenge were shoes for each of them. Bogdan's shoes piece of cake, Valeriya's required "discussions" if you know what I mean. We finally compromised on something between combat boots and stiletto heals. Funny thing is after struggling to find her a pair of shoes, we are returning them on Thursday to get a different pair lol. All in all, we are both happy now with the shoes and clothes we have chosen. Glad that's over with :)
We still have no court date and are hoping to hear good news today. I have heard to many horror stories on court dates or lack of court dates for me to rest but we keep putting our trust in Gods divine plan. We pray that His plan allows me to be able to afford to stay the whole length of the stay with Monique and Jeremiah and not need to return home early to work.
Let's talk about each of the kids for a bit. Valeria is all girl but a tom girl at the same time. She loves all things girly and princess but she is tough and plays hard. She definitely has a lot of spunk and she has given us clues to our challenges that lie ahead. Many of the challenges, I believe are based on a need for attention and love. Nadia told us one day that Valeriya told her she gets frustrated because she just wants to talk to us. She loves to talk, talk and talk and we have no idea what she is saying. It's so frustrating because she looks at us like we should understand and we so want to but we can't. We desire, like her to talk about all the things that parents communicate and share with there children. She is so cute though, one minute she is playing ball games and jungle gym stuff and the next she is wrapping my arm around her and she is hugging my arm. She loves hugs and kisses. Some language is universal! She wants to always look her best around us. We got here this morning and she was wearing her eye patch and glasses but as soon as she could, she got permission to take them off. You could just see her happiness at looking her best. Such worlds apart for each child's language of love...
Bogdan on the other hand is all all all boy! He plays hard and when we are done both Jeremiah and I are pooped. He loves games, wrestling and technology. He is also very kind and generous. Any type of food or treat we give him, he will also ask to give to his friends when they pass by. He seems to me to take on a protective role to some of the children. He is sometimes quite deep in thought with the cares or concerns of his and maybe our world.
We interrupt out post! We just got call from Nadia that we got our court date for this Friday at 3pm!!!! What a relief. God is good! That means if all goes well, our ten day wait, will end on July 4th. Our gotcha date will be independence day! I can almost see the stars and strips waving in the distance. I understand a lot more how it feels to be an immigrant and the intense joy they must have felt when they saw the statue of liberty in the distance! What a relief!
Nice segway, Monique and I truly enjoy Ukraine on the other hand, if it was not for the intense difficulty with our language barrier. Language is what makes it so hard for us to integrate into this culture and create relationships. There is so much diversity in Ukraine and if you really look, you can see the determination of a people striving to be great. I will add though, there is absolutely nothing nothing like our home in Colorado and the great US of A!!!!!
So now we have turned around and headed back to Valeriya's orphanage to get a letter from the director so they don't have to be in court. Apparently, it's a long drive. No kidding!!!! Bogdan is scheduled to go to camp on Friday so it's not clear if he will need to be in court. He is still at an age where it may not be necessary for him to be there in person. My guess is after court we will pack our things and on Saturday relocate to the town the camp is in. We will be working with Nadia to find a residence there. It's suppose to be a nice resort like area were Ukrainians go to relax. That sounds very nice to me and it is suppose to be in the forest even better. So that's about it for now. I will post you on Saturday from our new location God willing. We will Facebook how things go at court on Friday! Thanks for all your love and support and continuing to follow us on this journey.