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Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Sheep dogs
Today back at bagdons orphanage. I lovingly refer to as hotel Ukraine (you check in but you can't check out) welcome to the hotel Ukraine, such a lovely place, such a lovely space etcetcetc. We come daily so their lies and seeds of doubt of wether we will come back or not have no power over him. We are getting fatigued and I am running out of play but every day we do it again for these little guys. It's funny to watch but I feel like sheep and our kids are our sheep dogs. No matter the situation, when other kids are present we somehow end up somewhere else. Though these kids are kind and share with others, they are reluctant to share us and we find ourselves in other places away from kids. Valeria is very jeleous of my attention to other kids and constantly demands my complete attention as I assume she feels a need to win my love. Monique and I realize we are in for a lot of work and a long haul but we didn't choose this we were chosen for this!
Vision for the Children International (VFTCI) is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to bringing hope to at risk children and their families. It is our belief that children need to have a vision for their futures. This cannot be fully accomplished without also providing hope and a future to parents, families and the communities they live in. Without this vital aspect of hope, a child, parent, family and community cannot begin to see past their present circumstances to be able to pursue a better future.
At VFTCI, we deliver ministry through a combination of indigenous local support, community, Christian leaders, government officials, US and International supporters and volunteers.
VFTCI believes in putting faith to action as expressed in Mathew 25:31-40. For many, it is impossible to see a future without first helping them through their current needs and circumstances.
Vision for the Children International is focused on preventative action. We are dedicated to breaking the cycles that a hopeless environment creates by providing opportunities for the creation of healthy families, education systems and communities.
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