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Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Day to in Kiev
Day two: slept til noon. Ventured out and exchanged money. I have no idea what the money clerk said to me or why she was grouchy but she gave me money and that was good enough for me. Next we ventured into a grocery store. I think tomorrow we will buy food. Monique stared a long time at the milk looking bottles trying to figure out which one might be cream. She thinks she knows by how thick it looks or else it could be just curdled we will find out soon. Non the less our via starbucks coffee tastes just fine black. Next we tried to find some of the tourist spots that Valentin marked on our tourist map. We found a couple but just one of the ones we set out to see from the start. This city is amazing and so rich in history. It would totally help if we knew the language. We saw the golden gate which I believe was the original entrance to the city as well as numerous other churches and monasteries. We never got lost and made it back to our apartment to wait for our taxi to meet and go to dinner with Karen Springs. The taxi drive was an amazing adventure and I took Matts advice to always pay in advance. What a ride, fast lots of lane changes, honking and braking! Some of the largest and busiest car intersections I have ever seen with 6 lanes and three major streets entering it and NO street lights ! Still I would rather drive in a taxi then ride our elevator! Taxi driver got lost but eventually we met up with Karen. As everyone who has meet Karen will confirm, she is a special person. We took the subway and ate at a nice buffet style restaurant so we could try some local cuisine. We enjoyed it all and the conversations with Karen were fun and enlightening. We hope we will be able to see her again soon! This city is amazing and captivating with all of it's history, culture and unknowns. I can't wait to get out and do more exploring and to see who yells at me next as I learn to navigate this rich and complex landscape. Our SDA appointment is at 9 am tomorrow. We need your prayers for guidance as we choose our two new children. Thanks for your ongoing support and prayers. I will try to post some pics on our blog tomorrow.