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Friday, June 17, 2011
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Vision for the Children International (VFTCI) is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to bringing hope to at risk children and their families. It is our belief that children need to have a vision for their futures. This cannot be fully accomplished without also providing hope and a future to parents, families and the communities they live in. Without this vital aspect of hope, a child, parent, family and community cannot begin to see past their present circumstances to be able to pursue a better future.
At VFTCI, we deliver ministry through a combination of indigenous local support, community, Christian leaders, government officials, US and International supporters and volunteers.
VFTCI believes in putting faith to action as expressed in Mathew 25:31-40. For many, it is impossible to see a future without first helping them through their current needs and circumstances.
Vision for the Children International is focused on preventative action. We are dedicated to breaking the cycles that a hopeless environment creates by providing opportunities for the creation of healthy families, education systems and communities.
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